Witcher 3 Get Junior Casino Gwent
If you want to complete the Get Junior quest in an 'aggressive' way, start by going to Cleaver and talking with him about it. Agree to help his men in attacking Junior's places. To attack the casino, talk with Cleaver's group of dwarves. First go near the casino and meet with Cleaver's men. Witcher 3 Junior Casino Gwent Player Welcome Bonus is only available to players who create an account and make their first deposit at Genesis Casino. To be eligible to claim the New Witcher 3 Junior Casino Gwent Player Welcome Bonus, players must deposit a minimum of £10 in one instance. The New Witcher 3 Junior Casino Gwent. Get Junior Quest: The Witcher 3 Walkthrough And Guide. Whoreson Junior's arena Witcher Wiki Fandom. Popular Posts: Whoreson junior casino gwent cards. Completing both Get Junior and Gangs of Novigrad (bit of a walkthrough) The Witcher 3 So I noticed there were a few people worrying about failing the GoN side quest if they progressed too far with the Get Junior main quest.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Whore-son jr. Casino (minor spoilers) (3 posts) (3 posts). Hmm, dunno seemed kinda easy compared to the gwent tournament to me.
'Get Junior' | |
Details | |
Main quest | |
Suggested level | 12 |
Novigrad Temerian Partisan hideout Oxenfurt | |
Region(s) | Novigrad |
Priscilla | |
Reward | 500 / ?? |
The Gangs of Novigrad Ciri's Story: Visiting Junior A Favor for Radovid Broken Flowers The Play's the Thing |
Get Junior is one of the quests available in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Journal entry[edit edit source]
- Thanks to the lovely Priscilla, Geralt now knew Ciri and I had struck a deal with Whoreson Junior, one of the Big Four bosses of the Novigrad underworld. It seemed a simple matter of finding Whoreson, having a chat and getting out of him where to look for me. But in the Novigrad of the time nothing was simple, and nothing was as it seemed...
- Fate is like a Novigrad prostitute - sometimes you get more than you bargained for. Geralt found Whoreson after a great deal of meandering, during which he realized the man he sought was scum of the worst variety. Because of Whoreson, Ciri had been wounded, I had landed in prison, and Dudu had been subjected to torture.
- If Geralt kills Whoreson Junior:
- It thus came as no surprise that, once he had the information he wanted, Geralt killed the heinous man without batting an eye. Having achieved what he set out to do and lanced a particularly loathsome boil on the skin of humanity while he was at it, he went forth to pursue his new leads.
- If Geralt spares Whoreson Junior:
- This man surely deserved death, yet Geralt decided the greater punishment would be to let him live in shame and agony. Having achieved what he wanted and brought justice to a vile man while he was at it, he then set off to follow his new leads.
Walkthrough[edit edit source]
- Talk to Dijkstra about Whoreson's ties to the Redanians
- Visit Whoreson Junior's arena
- Talk to Igor
- Fight in the ring to prove you'd make a good bodyguard
- Defeat your opponent
- Defeat your opponent
- Defeat your opponent
- Survive the fight
- Search the arena for information about Whoreson
- Read the documents you found
- User your Witcher Senses to find a way to access the secret stash
- Search the secret stash
- Read the mysterious letter
- Find Whoreson Junior's casino
- Play cards with the casino guests
- Search the casino for information about Whoreson
- Defeat Whoreson Juniors's thugs
- Talk to the tied-up halfling in the casino
- Defeat the assassins
- Talk to Vernon Roche in the partisan camp
- Meet Roche by the bridge in Oxenfurt
- Enter the chess club with Roche
- Kill Whoreson Junior's guards
- Search the guards' bodies
- The next two objectives are mutually exclusive:
- Use the key to open the door to Whoreson Junior's hideout
- Use the secret passage to reach Whoreson Junior's hideout
- Search Whoreson Junior's residence
- Defeat the assassins
- Find Whoreson Junior's hideout
- Get inside Whoreson's hideout
- Search Whoreson Junior's hideout using your Witcher Senses
- Kill Whoreson Junior, OR spare his life.
- Go to the bathhouse and talk to Sigi Reuven
- Follow Happen
- Get undressed and put your clothing in the dresser
- Tell Priscilla about your talk with Whoreson Junior
- Kill Whoreson's thugs
Gallery[edit edit source]
Whoreson and some of his victims.
Another victim.
Geralt does not approve.
Video[edit edit source]
Content of the article: 'Gangs of Novigrad and Get Junior (No Failed Objectives)'
(This post contain spoilers – also am playing on v1.31 with both expansions)
I'm quite of a completionnist and when i accept a quest, i don't like failing it or partially failing it. This means a little red cross in the list of the quest objectives drives me nuts even if the quest is considered a success and completed.
So I have been looking around on Reddit and on wiki's for the past 24 hours to find a way to complete both of these quests without having any failed objective listed in the quests. I have found quite extensive walkthroughs but all either seem to not work anymore or led to both quests completion but still had a failed objective.
Methods I have seen :
– Do it the way 'normal way' : Ask Cleaver for help and rush the casino & the arena. This however will not let you play Gwent in the casino and Rushing the arena will give you a failed objective to enter the arena as Zdenek
– Do it half way : First do the Casino, then ask Cleaver for help on the Arena. This method lets you play Gwent in the casino, get the rewards from it but even if you don't talk to the dwarves in front of the arena, both the arena entrance guards will be aggressive as you approach so you will not be able to enter the arena as Zdenek. Again a failed objective and you get half the Gangs of Novigrad rewards for cooperating only for half of the objectives.
– Reconsider Cleaver's Help : This method is kind of tricky and tells you to go to Cleaver to trigger the Gangs of Novigrad quest but to decline his offer for help. This will add a 'Reconsider Cleaver's offer' in the Gangs of Novigrad objectives. Then do both the Casino and Arena by yourself. And the go talk to Cleaver again to accept his help before talking to Reuven. This 'should' complete the Gangs of Novigrad quest however if found myself in a bug/loop where Geralt tells Cleaver 'I'm not interested in your squabbles' when he should instead accept Cleaver's help. Leading you to fail Gangs of Novigrad later when you go to the house in Oxenfurt
So here is how I have done it.
Before talking with Cleaver, i went straight to the arena and entered as Zdenek and did all the fights and stuff leading to the dwarves inviting themselves to the party after the monster fights. But at least you have a success on the 'enter as Zdenek' objective. Then i went to ask Cleaver for help on the Casino part. Here I especially paid attention to NOT talk with Cleaver's men before going to the casino. Both guards in front of the casino are then non aggressive and you can enter any way you like (i used Axii). I was able to play gwent and do the quest as if i did it by myself without Cleaver's men's help (means you play gwent, go upstairs, free Rico, and murder everyone on you way out of the casino). I then went out of the casino, talked to Cleaver's men and said that i was ready to rush the casino. They then head to the casino and you get a quest update as soon as you open the casino door. If you enter the casino again, some of the casino guys which you murdered 2 minutes ago are miraculously resurrected and you can kill them a second time. After this i went back to Cleaver and completed Gangs of Novigrad.
Witcher 3 Get Junior Casino Gwent Codes
The only downside of this method is that Cleaver tells you that his men had to invite themselves to the arena, that you did not fully cooperate and he gives you only half the quest rewards. But you have no red marker in your objectives list. As a completionist I'm now only missing one thing … the objective to do the arena with Cleaver's men is not listed in the Gangs of Novigrad quest, its just missing .. but at least there is no red cross in my objectives :p
And yes, Locked doors drive me nuts as well 😀

Source: reddit.com
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